French...Giving A Third Language A Try


Who doesn't love France?  Why does everything French always seem to be so much more beautiful no matter where you go?  I truly believe if I could have another home, it would be in the "City of Love"..PARIS.

Well, if I can't have my Parisian flat, I certainly can attempt to learn the language.  So four months ago I decided to take an evening French class at the French Institute Alliance Francaise  .  I meet once a week in the evening for three hours at the French Institute and try my best to learn this beautiful language.  I must tell you, it hasn't been easy.  I do speak Spanish, but definitely find French to be more difficult.  However, I am determined to learn the language.  I just need to put in the effort and I am!

I truly believe it is so important to try new things that you've always wanted to do.  It's so easy to give ourselves excuses for not doing something that we've longed to try.  Our adult commitments tend to build a sturdy wall for us to try to climb over, but you know what...we can definitely climb over that wall.  I climbed over that wall to study French and I'm so happy I did.  I don't know how well I'll be able to speak the language once I'm done, but I'm giving it my best shot!  Give something new a shot.  I know you won't regret it.

Beaucoup d'amour,
