Yes..Skincare Is Important

I'm a firm believer we need to be just as conscientious with taking care of our skin as we are with our fitness and nutrition regimen.  Proper skincare is not just for the ladies!  Guys, you need to do it and it's never too late or too early to start!!

I started my own skincare regimen at the ripe old age of 30 and haven't stopped since.  Sometimes I feel as though I'm doing a "paint by number" on my face, but I push through it every morning and evening.  My morning process begins with cleansing my face, bio toner for hydration, followed by eye cream, serum, moisturizer and the ever so important SPF.  The evening process is exactly the same minus the SPF and I'll use an exfoliating cleanser every other evening to say goodbye to the dead skin.

I'm also a firm believer in the quarterly facial (sometimes more often..).  Also, I usually have microderabrasion (a more thorough process of ridding the dead skin from your face) done on a quarterly basis as well.

The process may seem time consuming, but believe me it's worth it!  Here are some of the products I use:

Cleanser - URSA, Bio Toner - Christine Chin, Eye Cream - Dr Sebagh, Serum - Thuyen Skincare, Moisturizer - Dr Sebagh 

AND the most important product is...WATER!  I drink an average of two liters of water each day.  I can't stress enough on how important I believe this is.

Take good care of yourself both inside and outside!